Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay on A Daily Dose of Tea for Good Health - 545 Words

Drinking a cup of tea offers countless benefits for your health. Aside from its soothing aroma that calms the nerves and relaxes the mind, drinking tea protects your body from free radicals that cause aging, as well as treats many ailments like cold, diabetes and indigestion. With the numerous benefits of tea, it’s never too late to start brewing a bag of this good stuff. Yes, now is really a good time to embrace a tea-drinking habit. Whether it be white, yellow, black or green—you can get a load of benefits from drinking any type of tea. The Origin of Tea The history of tea, like the history wine, offers an insight into the culture of the world. Teas are produced from Camellia sinensis, a plant native to the regions of South and†¦show more content†¦However, for caffeine sensitive people, consuming black tea should be moderate to avoid negative effects on the body. Green Tea Drinking green tea on a daily basis not only improves cholesterol level, but it also combats eye problems and reduces the risk of stroke. Green tea contains three compounds: catechins, a potent antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals that cause aging and cellular damage; caffeine, a stimulant that relieves fatigue and increases alertness; and theanine, an amino acid that acts as a mild relaxant that releases the jittery effects of caffeine. Oolong Tea Oolong tea helps prevent dental cavities from forming since it contains significant levels of fluoride. This type of tea also helps people lose weight. A current test revealed that about 66 per cent of overweight individuals lost weight by drinking oolong tea every day for a period of six weeks. In line with this fact, oolong tea is starting to attract people who are looking for a healthy and natural way to drop a few pounds. White Tea Adding a cup of white tea to your daily diet promotes radiant and youthful skin. A recent study discovered that white teas inhibit the production of fine lines and wrinkles by strengthening elastin and collagen, the two proteins that form fibres that make up the connective tissue in the body. The white tea not only prevents heart disease, cancer and stroke, but it also stops the onset of diabetes. Drinking a cup ofShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Coffee And Caffeine728 Words   |  3 Pagesof coffee and 3.8 billion gallons of tea are consumed per day worldwide?† (Bytes, 2003/2017) Both of these beverages are drunk on daily biases for the same effect. That effect is caffeine. Caffeine is â€Å"a crystalline compound that is found especially in tea and coffee plants and is a stimulant of the central nervous system.† Everyone in the world thrives off these drinks. 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